Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Today is November 29th and it's 60 degrees outside.

I'm not going to lie. That really freaks me out.

I live in Michigan...we should be covered in snowdrifts by this time of the year. Not that I love the snow, but seriously.

I think I'm going to be jumping on the Global Warming bandwagon. Anyone care to join me?

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Now Thank We All Our God

Now thank we all our God, with heart and hands and voices,
Who wondrous things has done, in Whom this world rejoices;
Who from our mothers’ arms has blessed us on our way
With countless gifts of love, and still is ours today.

O may this bounteous God through all our life be near us,
With ever joyful hearts and blessèd peace to cheer us;
And keep us in His grace, and guide us when perplexed;
And free us from all ills, in this world and the next!

All praise and thanks to God the Father now be given;
The Son and Him Who reigns with Them in highest Heaven;
The one eternal God, Whom earth and Heaven adore;
For thus it was, is now, and shall be evermore.


May you be overwhelmed by the knowledge of the magnitude of blessings in your life today.

And may you know the gratefulness that I have in my heart for the blessing that you are to me.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My kind of town...

This past weekend I took a much needed vacation to Chicago to catch up with friends and breathe for a little while. My four days were packed full and I had a FABULOUS time. There wasn't much catching up on sleep, but whatev...sleep is overrated anyways.

My little adventure started with starry-eyed staring at some beautiful buildings. That one in the back with the green roof is the R.R. Donnelly building on lower Wacker. It's my absolute favorite. I practically want to cry when I see it all lit up at night--the most gorgeous lines you'll ever see.

This was the crew that attended the Grey's Anatomy soiree. I'm happy to report that everyone followed the "no talking during the show" rule, and I'm also very happy to report that no bottle of wine was left mean...

Despite the ridiculously crappy weather, the girls and I braved the elements and went dancing at the HanggeUppe downtown. Good times, and props to Joanna who did us proud in her impromptu dance-off. It was like "Save the Last Dance", only in real life.

Saturday morning was brunch with the ladies at the Heartland Cafe in Rogers Park. Delicious meal and fantastic company to share it with!

There were further activities that Joanna and I partook of on Saturday evening, but it may be better that we have no pictures of those. Just kidding...we're good, responsible, respectable girls :)

All in all, I'm so blessed to know such good people in such an extraordinary city. Thanks so much to all of you who contributed to my wonderful weekend. I'm already looking forward to my next visit...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Fat Lady Has Sung...

Well friends...the strained melodies of the fat lady have been heard, and the 2006 election cycle is officially over. Though some ballots are probably being recounted as we speak, for the most part, decisions have been declared in Michigan and Megan can now attempt to salvage her youth.

I'm happy to report that all three of the State Senate campaigns that I was working closely with (VanWoerkom-Muskegon, Hardiman-GR, George-Kzoo) pulled through with hard-fought victories. Tuesday night was certainly an evening of celebrations, and for that I am extremely grateful. And even more so than the victories themselves, I'm grateful that I did not have to stand around sobbing during any concession speeches.

Thank-you to all of you who have put up with my poor communication, incessant whining, random political ranting, and the utter chaos that was my life for the past couple months. Though exhausting, it was an extraordinary experience and I am so grateful for the opportunity.

Though at times it seems that the government and its workings are completely out of our hands, please know that this is not the case. Ultimately it comes down to people. To me, to you, and everyone else in between. You DO have the power to create change in this crazy country. Your voice IS the one that counts. Never discount that fact. You were put on this planet for a purpose. Make your purpose known.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Election Day!

Hey everyone...please please please take a moment out of your busy day to vote tomorrow. Our nation's future depends on it! And as an addendum, I didn't spend 55 hours campaigning last week for nothing...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy Birthday Kate!

Happy birthday to my roommate Kate! Kate is the other housemom with me, and I love her to bits. She is the big 24 today, and I hope it's one of her best years ever. Check her out at