Saturday, November 17, 2007

Announcing the arrival of Quinn Elliott

Drumroll please...

As promised in yesterday's post, here's a pic of baby Quinn, the newest addition to our family. I was happy to spoil him, as only aunties do, by holding him all afternoon at the hospital. And I do believe I gave him the cutest outfit ever (thank-you babyGap).

This is nephew number 6 for me, bringing my grand total of nieces and nephews up to 11. No lie. My siblings tell me that I need to catch up, but I'm just not so sure... I'd much rather spoil them rotten and send them home at the end of the day :)

Friday, November 16, 2007

These Boys...

These boys...

...have a new baby brother.

As if they weren't cute enough, they now have a third culprit to add to their cuteness. Looking forward to meeting Quinn Elliott tomorrow. I'll be sure to snap a photo for you all to see. I hear he looks a lot like his Aunt Megan... Just kidding, I'm sure he'll be a towhead just like these guys :)

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Dutch Korean

I'm sure most of you have heard my self-proclaimed ethnic moniker from time to time. I'm Dutch-Korean, and more Dutch than Korean most days :)

The story and experience of each Korean adoptee is different, and in this article, Katy Robinson tells of her story.

Give it a read, and check out the ensuing discussion via postings. I'm especially intrigued with the concept of imperialism that comments #10 & 40 allude to. Do you think there's any truth to them? As international adoption grows throughout Hollywood and the rest of our nation, do you think Americans ought to give pause to the reality that we're taking children out of their native lands? Clearly, I am an advocate of international adoption, but it does make for an interesting conversation...

Saturday, November 03, 2007


Hmmmm...August. Last posting. Again, I must admit that I'm a very bad blogger. Bad bad bad. My sincerest apologies, though I know the apologies are starting to get old...

So what has been happening? A whole lot of everything! School, leadership academy, lots of busyness at work, salmon fishing, bachelorette parties, weddings, the Chicago marathon (only observing, not running), a beautiful Michigan autumn, and now...indoor soccer??? I would divulge every last detail in this posting, but we all know you'd be reading for hours if I were to do that. Instead, perhaps a photo explanation will suffice.

Thanks for your patience with my delinquency. I appreciate your dedication :)

My nieces and I, downtown GR. They look thrilled to see me, eh?

Salmon fishing on Lake MI near Ludington.
City girl knows how to enjoy the great outdoors. Shocking, but true :)

The bridesmaids with Andrea at her bachelorette party.
Yep, you counted right. There were eight of us!

The roommate/bridesmaids.

Great times in Chicago during marathon weekend.

Jonathan at mile 21...still going strong :)

Me and the most beautiful bride, Andrea Joy!

Some of the groomsmen and I on the party bus.

The bride and bridesmaids on the party bus.

The fabulous bride and groom, Andrea and Tim.
We miss Andrea at the farmhouse, but we love that she's married!