Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I'm Baaaaaaaaaack...

Why?  Because I've realized I have things to say.  Things that others aren't saying, or won't say.  Things that remind people that the world is alive and well, and no matter what we're going through, we still have a reason to get up in the morning and drink in this glorious life.  Some days it may taste better than others, but still, it is good.  So so good.

The other day I was challenged  by a speaker who suggested we start telling an alternative narrative, rather than the doom and gloom that's being spread these days.  Can we use this alternative narrative to lift the veil of impossibility that our media (gag) is thriving on these days?  

People, let's change the paradigm.  We're so much better than this.  Let's demand it.  A better story.  A bigger vision.  A beautiful hope.

Now's our time.  God forbid (and I think He really does) we waste it...