Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Holy Crap!

Holy crap! is correct my friends. I'm aghast to see that my last posting was on March 28th and a quick glance at my planner reveals today is April 17th. What on earth have I been doing with myself? How I have I managed to leave this poor blog untouched for almost three weeks???

Well, I suppose there are a couple contributing reasons. First and foremost, school, and my impending graduation. Yes it's true. Despite wandering off the beaten path on numerous occasions, I am finally completing my undergraduate studies with a B.A. in International Relations. I am ecstatic to be finishing my studies, but somehow, for reasons not completely known, I find myself gearing up for another season of nose-burying, book-reading fun. At least I will be attending only part-time while I work and attempt to settle into West Michiganian life for a couple more years. Clearly, I am insane. No need to remind me of this.

Thoughts of an extended suburban life are made even more difficult after a fabulous trip to our nation's capital. April 6-15 found me in DC for the Washington Model Organization of the American States. For a week I pretended to be a diplomat from Nicaragua, presenting resolutions, debating facts and figures, and my favorite part of all--hobnobbing with other delegations and representatives. 26 universities from throughout the Americas represented various member nations at the event, and a great time was had by all. Here's some evidence to prove that the week wasn't all business...

2007 MOAS Gala.

Thirsty diplomats at Clydes.

Dancing until 3am at Bravo Bravo!

Pole dancing???

Dinner at Lauriol Plaza.

In addition to the good times with my fellow delegates, I made the obligatory trips to the national monuments and the classic DC spots. I'll be sure to post those pics in the next couple days, but for now, this is all the update I can muster.

Thanks for your patience with this delinquent blogger. I'll post more soon...I promise :)


Anonymous said...

Ok, you will never believe this, but Kelly is my AUNT and you KNOW HER!!! I could hardly believe my eyes when i saw her in all your pics! Tell her, Linda said hello. Not sister, but neice! I can't even believe it....

Anonymous said...

Bad blogger! Bad I say!

Melissa said...

welcome back!

simplicity said...

UMMM I was absolutely delighted to see an update! Yippy! It's about stinking time!

Looks like a fun time and how come I had no idea you were going to work on your masters???

Happy Birthday dear!

Brett and Kristin said...

Happy Birthday, Meg!

Steve said...

Birthday?! I didn't know! Happy birthday!

So, are you actually going to start "the program?"

Audrey said...

Happy belated birthday, Megan! Hope it was a lovely one!