Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Reality of Television

From time to time you may hear we whine about the ridiculousness that is reality television. Clearly, there is nothing realistic about racing around the world, mothering children of a different family for two weeks, or eating a windshield full of bugs.

But I must admit...I've been sucked in. I watch them too. Everything in moderation, of course, but they do grace the screen of our television...perhaps, on a daily basis.

Just last night I watched a very large round-cut diamond being slipped onto the finger of a very ecstatic Tessa in the season finale of The Bachelor. Presently, I'm waiting with baited breath to know if Joey Fatone or Apollo Anton Ono will be this season's Dancing With the Stars' Champion.

Tomorrow, the office pool will be buzzing about the impending American Idol Final Results Show, and I'm sure there are many more to come. The advertisements for this summers' awful line-up of second-rate reality have been rolling out (i.e. America's Got Talent...not sure how this season will go for David Hasselhoff, and The Ex-Wives Club...are you kidding me?), and I cannot even imagine what other ridiculous creations will surface in the coming months.

So what's the big deal? What is so appealing about reality television, and when will it ever end? Come on now...it's time to fess up. What reality shows are you hiding in your closet???

P.S. On a quasi-related note, let's talk about advertising for a moment. I just love BP's new ad campaign in which they attempt to portray oil as bright, cheery, and oh so whimsical. Clever clever clever...


Anonymous said...

Some things just don't surprise me anymore. Eck! Unbelievable. That "Ex Wives Club" one made me laugh out loud...who knew it was actually REAL!!!

Melissa said...

somehow i never got sucked into reality tv - although i caught some of this season's 'dancing' and must confess i was rooting for laila ali all the way through. that girl can BRING it! as for the two episodes i was subjected to of 'bachelor' - well, frankly, steve and i were praying that tessa wouldn't get chosen just so she could go free and find a nice, normal man to marry someday. oigh.