Have you heard the breaking news about President-Elect Obama? It doesn't have to do with cabinet appointments, nor with foreign policy plans. Nothing about alleged ties with unsavory groups of individuals or skeletons falling out of closets. And no, the Obama girls have not selected a puppy yet. Rather, this is the headline (and the article) that is appearing around the world:
Lose the BlackBerry? Yes He Can, Maybe
Yes, the hot headline that everyone is talking about has to do with the fact that the President-Elect may not be allowed to use his BlackBerry while president, and the angst that he is currently experiencing due to this predicament.
Frivolity, some might say. What is an article like this doing on the front page of nytimes.com? Well, as a new BlackBerry user, I must admit I might be a bit saddened as well. I'd like to think I've not yet arrived at the "Hi, my name is Megan...and I'm a BlackBerry addict" (*fellow addicts echo "Hi Megan") stage of illness, but I am a big fan of my little gadget. It keeps me connected, updated and well-informed, and at this point in time, assuming the role of president might be the only reason I'd give it up...
How about you? These days we walk around glued to our BlackBerry's, iPhones, Palms, iPods, Razrs, Nextels and a whole host of other electronic doohickeys. What would it take for you to give up your favorite mobile device?
I would think that the Blackberry would help him do his job even better but that's just me, some Minnesotan girl who doesn't know anything!
I'm with you though, while I don't have a Blackberry, even on the days I forget my cell phone (which is rare) I feel completely lost!
Way to go two posts in a week Megan! You're getting your groove back :)
To give up my blackberry would mean I must have met an untimely death and am now 6 foot under!
You're talking about Crackberry, right?
I totally agree that he needs to give it up. Can you imagine this headline?
"Obama loses Blackberry in toilet, plumber finds nuclear codes"
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