Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Den Mother...

Last weekend we celebrated my roommate Meghan's 21st birthday. As you can imagine, a good time was had by all, but not too good of a time. Everyone was safe and sound at the end of the evening--no worries :)

Have I ever told you how much I love my roommates? We're ridiculous really. We all have busy schedules, so we're usually only together at night. But we make the most of our time--gathering in the living room and talking about our days, watching our favorite tv shows (or complete DVD seasons of the Gilmore Girls) together, talking about the latest celeb gossip, attempting to do homework, working on puzzles (yah, I know...we're really cool like that), drinking wine, and laughing hysterically. We laugh a lot. I love that.

It's funny how people fall into roles when they live with others. It will come as no surprise to you that I am the den mother. My roommate Kate takes care of the utilities and bills, I handle the stern "talking-to's" that sometimes need to take place. The "but I just really love him, even though he sucks at life" boyfriend chats, the "I'm really ticked at this roommate" complaints, and the classic "my family makes me crazy" rantings. That's my area of household expertise. Those are the issues that I sometimes take up, even when they don't want to talk about them.

How about you? Have an issue to rant or rave about? Falling victime to the "paralysis of analysis?" Throw it at me. The doctor is in. I can't promise that I'll give you helpful advice, but at least it's free :)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

you. are. HYSTERICAL! and i love you to bits. don't forget to decompress what's on your own mind sometime (from one den mother to another). :)