Friday, October 06, 2006

On the campaign trail...

This past summer in Traverse City I interned for the MI state senator from the 37th district. I've continued my involvement in the political arena thru some local campaigns here in Grand Rapids, and three to four days a week you'll find me on the campaign trail in and around the area doing whatever needs to be done. I might be knocking on doors. I might be dropping literature. I might be waving in a parade. I might be answering phones. Rest assured I'm always shaking hands and kissing babies. Just polishing up my skills for a future run at the White House :)

The political arena is a very interesting place and political campaigns are even more interesting. You do random things. You meet eccentric people. You take crazy phone calls. You field paranoid questions.

But, as nutty as the whole deal is, I'm really enjoying my experience. I've met all sorts of intriguing people and visited the smallest of small-town Michigan. I've heard colorful commentary on any topic you can imagine, and I've smiled and nodded thru it all. I've grown to love the sound of front doors closing and locking behind me as I waltz down a home's front stairs, as though the crazy little Asian girl is going to break in and leave her literature against their will.

Ah's a bizarre activity, political campaigning, but perpetually entertaining and strangely rewarding for some. Like me, I suppose. Always amused by the trappings of this silly American life...

1 comment:

simplicity said...

I will never look at campaigners the same again...knowing it could be Malegan.