Sunday, April 22, 2007

More From Our Nation's Capital...

As promised, here are a few more pics from my trip to DC. If you, like myself, never had to endure a tumultuous bus trip there in the 8th grade, I would highly recommend making a visit to our capital. It is an amazing city, full of great memorials, intriguing architecture, and much much more. It's incredible to walk around the streets and realize that this is where so many of the world's decisions are made. So much power and so much potential. It's astounding, really...

The Hall of the Americas, inside the OAS building.

President Lincoln's Memorial.

Cherry blossoms.

At the WWII Memorial.

Inside the towers of the WWII Memorial.

The Capital Building and its reflective pool.

A different view of the Capital Building.

G.W.'s home.

The National Cathedral.

The steps of the Supreme Court.

P.S. Thanks to everyone who left birthday notes and greetings!!! It was a great 25th, and I'm looking forward to many more years with you all :)

1 comment:

simplicity said...

great pics. i especially like the one with you in front of the supreme court, perhaps you'll make many more visits there.