Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Traditional Three-Ring Circus

Yesterday was family Christmas. And, as one can only imagine in a family as large as mine, it was a bit like a three-ring circus. It always is. But I must admit. I LOVE IT.

Per usual, we ate too much, shared some good-natured teasing, held our breaths while hearing crashes from the basement, oooohed and ahhhhed over the newest batch of Christmas pajamas that grandma had sewn, engaged in wrapping paper-ball wars, and attempted to corral the children to facilitate dozens of photo ops.

It was a great evening, and a good time was enjoyed by all. I love that despite the busyness of our lives, almost all twenty-four of us are able to come together for one day each year.

And at the close of the evening, I especially love watching the crazy little cyclones (that I call nieces and nephews) climb into their parent's cars and back out of the driveway, while I retire to the coziness of my calm, quiet, home :)

They appear to be little angels, don't they?

Unwrapping some new pj's...

The little models...

Our little princess...

And her growling sister...

Baby Quinn, who had the good fortune of being
too young to get attacked by the older boys...

My fabulous nieces who are getting too cute for their own good :)

And uncle Todd, who was happy to be the instigator of
much of the evening's mischief...


simplicity said...

SO fun! Love all the pics. I think this is the most pictures you've ever put on a post and I love it!

Nice chatting with you earlier. We'll have to do it agian this week.

happy new year!

Anonymous said...

Christmas was good, wasn't it!
Love you sis!
Boston Brother

Melissa said...

so glad you had a nice Christmas. love you, miss you, and hope to see you soon!