Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Fat Lady Has Sung...

Well friends...the strained melodies of the fat lady have been heard, and the 2006 election cycle is officially over. Though some ballots are probably being recounted as we speak, for the most part, decisions have been declared in Michigan and Megan can now attempt to salvage her youth.

I'm happy to report that all three of the State Senate campaigns that I was working closely with (VanWoerkom-Muskegon, Hardiman-GR, George-Kzoo) pulled through with hard-fought victories. Tuesday night was certainly an evening of celebrations, and for that I am extremely grateful. And even more so than the victories themselves, I'm grateful that I did not have to stand around sobbing during any concession speeches.

Thank-you to all of you who have put up with my poor communication, incessant whining, random political ranting, and the utter chaos that was my life for the past couple months. Though exhausting, it was an extraordinary experience and I am so grateful for the opportunity.

Though at times it seems that the government and its workings are completely out of our hands, please know that this is not the case. Ultimately it comes down to people. To me, to you, and everyone else in between. You DO have the power to create change in this crazy country. Your voice IS the one that counts. Never discount that fact. You were put on this planet for a purpose. Make your purpose known.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

ahhh! pictures, give me pictures!!! :)