Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Special Day...

Today is a special day. It is the day that my parents celebrate 43 years of marriage.

Amazing. I know.

How blessed I have been to witness the devotion and commitment that my parents have exhibited throughout my lifetime. I know that there are many who have not been afforded this same luxury. It's comforting to know that marriage can, and in some cases, does still work. Gives me hope for the couples that are so dear in my life, for my fellow single friends who have yet to find "the one", and for all those in between.

I tell people that 43 years seems like halfway to eternity with's practically forever in my mind. In talking with my mother about this momentous occasion today she told me that sometimes she just looks at my dad and thinks, "gosh, I really do love that guy."

I don't think it really gets any better than that. There's not much more I could wish for after 43 years.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad. Love you both...


Anonymous said...

Forty three an amazingly long time, yet speaks volumes of their love, devotion and relationship. Here's to 43 more Mr. and Mrs. Sall! Congrats!

Steve said...

Congrats to your parents!

Thanks for the invite last night...sorry we didn't see you to say goodbye!