Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Dutch Korean

I'm sure most of you have heard my self-proclaimed ethnic moniker from time to time. I'm Dutch-Korean, and more Dutch than Korean most days :)

The story and experience of each Korean adoptee is different, and in this article, Katy Robinson tells of her story.

Give it a read, and check out the ensuing discussion via postings. I'm especially intrigued with the concept of imperialism that comments #10 & 40 allude to. Do you think there's any truth to them? As international adoption grows throughout Hollywood and the rest of our nation, do you think Americans ought to give pause to the reality that we're taking children out of their native lands? Clearly, I am an advocate of international adoption, but it does make for an interesting conversation...


simplicity said...

Very interesting. Thanks for point it out...I'd be interested to hear your thoughts and views on it since I know it's something you are very interested in...

Melissa said...

thanks for sharing this article, megan. i appreciated your thoughts on it and, as ever, applaud you and your family for the way your own adoption has been something to be openly and honestly discussed. i'm one of many who's grateful you wound up in michigan, then chicago, and that i've had the benefit of knowing you. it's so strange to think of what my life would be like if you'd been raised in korea and i didn't have you in it.